I too a few weeks off from my hobbies to go on vacation. When I got back I was looking forward to working on some Batman models that have been sitting on my desk for a while. However it soon dawned on me that the
Sword and Brush event is only a few weeks away! (at the Holiday Inn Toronto Airport East, on September 8-9).
I was asked to run the BMG tournament at the event so I need to make some more terrain and fast! I am currently working on half a dozen buildings. While the glue was drying (and the baby was sleeping) I plugged away at some cars.
I found a set of three sports cars at the dollar store that are a fairly good size for BMG. The cars already came with a candy colour coats, so I just painted some headlights and break-lights. I also popped out the interiors and gave them a quick airbrush.
Not my best work or the best models, but you really cant argue with the cost!
Up next; buildings, building, and more buildings...
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