Tuesday 3 July 2018

45/100 - The Eyeball Man

I finished that last member of my Joker's Elite Cosplayers crew from the Suicide Squad box set.  I originally planned to paint the Eyeball Man first.  I tired to use the airbrush to paint the orange prison jump suit.  It did not turn out very well so I did a page one rewrite on the model.

During the second attempt, using the airbrush, I started with a coat of Rhinox Hide GW (dark brown).  I followed this with a layer of Dubai Brown S75, sprayed at a 40 degree angle to the model.  I then sprayed Birch S75 directly to the top (straight down) over the model.  When this was dry I did several light coats of Orange Fire GA over the whole model.  It is not prefect but it was my first attempt at zenithal highlighting with a glaze, all done with the airbrush.  I will definitely try this method again. 

I really like the Eyeball Man in game play.  His stat line is OK for a mid-range henchman. It is his weapon and traits that make him stand out.  His carbine is medium range, rate of fire 5 dealing one blood damage.  However it also has assault 3 (rate of fire 3 while moving).  I like weapons that are effective stationary as well as on the move (love the Joker Shotgun henchman!).

He does have "Cyclops", which gives him a -1 to hit if the target is over 8 inches away.  This penalty can be countered with his "OCD" trait.  If he targets only a single model with all of his attacks he gains +1 to hit.  So if you fire at a single target within 8 inches you are at a net bonus of +1 to hit!  If he finds himself in combat with an opponent, he can back up and fire with 3 shots, dealing one blood damage, with a +1 to hit.

This is the complete crew all done.  It was good to finally clear it from the queue.  This was the first project that I have fully completed using the airbrush on each model.  I don't think that the quality of the paint job is any better then what I usually do, but it was a hell of a lot faster.  I got all 6 models done is around 2 weeks!

I am going to take a bit of a break from Batman minis for a bit (all through Deathstroke might find his way onto my painting table sooner rather then later).  I very good friend of mine, Josh, sent some more undead minions my way for my Age of Sigmar Army.  I have 20 Grave Guard ready to go!


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