I finished up two more members of the Cosplayers over the last few days, Mr. Black and Mr. White, A.K.A The Grin Twins. These are the low rep with zero funding Henchmen for the Cosplayers. When their rules first came out I was not very impressed. Their stat line was ok, nothing special. The Twin Rule (which made you assign action counters incidentally to each twin and had to activate them one after the other) really limited their play. They also could not benefit from Jokers Trickster rule cause you where not allowed to reallocate their counters.
With the new edition of the rulebook for BMG the Grin Twins got a huge bonus. The new twin rule gives them +1 Attack, Defense and Willpower as long as both twins are still alive. So for 19 and 17 reputation you get 2 goons that have an Attack and Defense of 4! and a Willpower 5. Pretty damn good for the cost! Then on top of that, they can not use the Trickster rule! The only downside is that they both have the Elite: Cosplayers trait, so you can only ever use them with Jared Leto Joker.

The models are simple in their design, but I think that makes them look very sharp. Black suits with a little red for the tie and white cuffs. I used the airbrush to do the gray scaling up to white over a black basecoat. I then used several thin layers of the Inktense Black to shade the white back down. In the end I got a dark charcoal grey suit look. The model was very shinny (and not looking to good) afterwards. I gave it two thin sprays of mate varnish to take the shine away. I am very happy with the results. I will definitely try painting black like this again. It was quick and efficient (I think I will have to try it out on some Grave Guard soon!).
5/7 Members of the Joker Cosplayers are done. Next up will most likely be Panda-Man followed by Eyeball Man (very creative on the names).
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