Sunday 1 July 2018

44/100 - The Panda Man

I finished up another member of my Cosplayers this week, the Panda Man.  This was arguably everyone's favorite model out of the Suicide Squad set.  Got to love a guy in a Panda costume with a sniper rifle.  This is also happens to be one of the best riffles in the game.  It does 2 blood and 1 stun damage, rate of fire 3, unlimited range, scope (re-roll one attack die) and Silencer (cannot be dodged).  I was hoping he was going to do well in his first game...this was not to be the case. 

We were playing an old scenario from last edition with random deployment.  Panda Man started the game in contact with Riddler's henchmen Knuckles and Ravager.  Even with Joker nearby and trying to help out, Panda Man did not make it out of the first round alive...

I painted the black on the panda suit in the same fashion as the suits on the Grin Twins (gray scale with the airbrush, followed by glazing with Inktense Black).  I wanted to texture the white parts of the suit a bit and give it the appearance of fur.  So as I layered up from the light grey to white, I stippled the paint with my brush (instead of brushing it on smooth). 

With so much black and white on the model I did not want to do a dark gunmetal rifle.  I Joker would have something more military grade, so I painted it the same way (with the camo pattern) that I painted my German tanks for Flames of War.

The big blue eyes also help break up the white and black.  If only every model had eyes this big!

One model left for the Cosplayers, the Eyeball Man. 

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