Sunday 10 June 2018

39/100 - Kaga Brother, Warrior Nation (Wild West Exodus)

Lords of War Games and Hobbies brought in a new game recently, Wild West Exodus.  It is a really interesting game with some beautiful models.  It is set in an alternate history where several different alien entities have influenced mankind over hundreds of years.  The main conflict is set in the American West (hence the name) following the civil war.  When you break it down, it is a western with lasers and aliens.  Reading the source material for it, it reminded me (especially the alien entities) of the last few season of Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. 

I decided to go with the Warrior Nation for my faction.  I knew none of the rules, I just went with which models I really wanted to paint!  The warrior nation are the Native Americans faction.  They fight for the great spirit to protect to world and stop of corruption of the Hex.  I picked up the "Tribal Retribution Posse" to start with (early birthday present to myself).

I was very worried about how to paint the skin tone.  I tend to paint very pale looking Caucasian skin tones.  I wanted to go a little darker but not make it a caricature.  I enlisted the advice of some great local painters, Chris and Patrick. They helped me pick out some colours and got me started in the right direction. 

I am very happy with the end result.  I think I over-highlighted in places, but I am trying to take shadows and light sources into consideration more.  Can't wait to start on more, and to play a game of it too!


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