The first attempt at airbrushing the tanks did not work out. I do not feel that I am using hyperbole when I say it was the worst thing I have ever painted. No pictures exist of this monstrosity. In fact the only proof of its existence is my confession here.
I went back and gave it another try. I played around with the trigger limiter (I don't know if that is what it is called, that part of an airbrush that limits how far back you can pull the trigger). I had much more success on the second go (and was able to save the first abomination).
I have had some dry weathering pigment for a few years. My next plan is to learn how to use it and weather the tanks a bit.
I also made up a couple of more destroyed tank markers. I tried a different method to make them, and it was a lot easier and faster. I then used the airbrush to paint them (which also turned out better). I based them in red then sprayed grey over top to give the suggestion that there was a fire.
I am going to work on a few Soviet T-34s for Tanks! this week as well as an old piece of Warhammer terrain to practice with the airbrush some more.
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