I finished up another model that had been sitting on my painting desk for a few years now, Tiffany Aching from MicroArts Discworld line. I have been very impressed with these models. They have so much character. I would like to paint them all eventually!
Almost twenty years ago I worked part time at a local bookstore. I was the only male employee and the only person who read science fiction and fantasy. So I was given that section of the store to care for. Now back then I had really just started to read as a hobby. I was mainly reading Dragonlance, R.A Salvatore and some Black Library (GW) stuff. Mid way through the store's collection sat a few books by an author that I had not read, Terry Pratchett. In a sea of dark covers depicting warriors and wizards, Pratchett's books always stood out. The covers were all done by either Josh Kirby or Paul Kidby. They tended to be very bright with over accentuated cartoony characters (I will always remember the 5th Elephant cover on the shelf). I picked up a book called Mort and I have been hooked ever since. No other artist/writer has influenced my life to the extent that Pratchett has.
Originally, I picked up the Wee Free Men because of the cover. It was a mass of little blue pixies with red hair and wearing kilts. These were the Nac Mac Feegles. They are a cross between Braveheart and Fragglerock. They were kicked out of the fairy world for being drunken and belligerent. Due to a series of events that do not need explaining at this juncture they have sworn to protect Tiffany.
Tiffany Aching is the central character to five books, The Wee Free Men, Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith, I Shall Wear Midnight and the Shepherds Crown (Pratchett's final book before his death). Tiffany is a young witch. In the Wee Free Men she is only 9 years old. She is a young girl that comes from a land that is not known for producing witches. On the Discworld witches are stereotypical
"witchy"; black hats, warts, flying broomsticks etc). However they are (in most places) respected healers and authority figures, but still a little feared. Over the events of the five books we see Tiffany go from a young child to full witch in her early twenties.
Over the years my interests changed. While I still love the Feegles, Tiffany's journey
became more captivating to me. She is a strong young woman. She asks questions and always wants to learn. You could argue that her greatest power is how clever she is. Tiffany does not run away when she is scared. If she is protecting the ones she loves she will risk her own life and face any challenge
. I really like that Tiffany also does not conform with people just to fit in. All other witches wear black. Not Tiffany, she says she will wear black when she is old, but for now (with all that she has seen) she has had enough of darkness (paraphrased from I Shall Wear Midnight).
Tiffany Aching is a great role model
for young girls, and also for everyone else. I started to read the Tiffany books to my daughter. She is only five months old but I can only hope that some of Tiffany's essence will sink in.
I only have two Discworld Models left unpainted. I think one of them is going to get painted next to finish his "crew".
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