Thursday 12 April 2018

33/100 - Coughing Henry and Dori Walk into a Bar...

I got another two models painted up this week.  After finishing Tiffany last week I was still on a Discworld kick (lets face it, I am always on a Discworld kick), so I started to paint Coughing Henry.  He is the forth and last member of the Canting Crew.  I painted the other three members, Foul Ol'Ron, Arnold Sideways and the Duckman a few years back.  I am going to start on a diorama display box for the crew.  Since I always remember the Canting Crew from the Hogfather book, I am going to do a snowy Anhk-Morpork Hogswatch scene. 

I was also able to finish another Dwarf for my Hobbit project.  This time I went with Dori (not to be confused with the fish).

I have a special project on the go right now.  Hopefully I will have it done by the end of the weekend.  Waiting for things to dry sucks!


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