Thursday 29 March 2018

30/100 - Bifur the Dwarf

I finished up the sixth member of Thorin's Company the other day, Bifur.  The hardest part with painting up the Hobbit dwarves was trying to find so many ways to paint brown leather.  I went with a yellowed leather look in contrast to the red leather of the other dwarves I have already finished. 

It was a simple model and I am happy with how it turned out.  I tend to over highlight when I paint but I am really trying to pull back on it with the Hobbit project.  I think I get a little more control each time. 

I am going to take a little bit of a break from what I have been working on the last few months and paint something different.  I have started work on Tiffany Aching model from MicroArt Studios Discworld line.  Hopefully I can make some progress on it soon.


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