Sunday 18 March 2018

28/100 - Gotham Rising

A few months ago I finished upgrading the two buildings that came in the Suicide Squad box.  I had said in the post that I actually made 4 buildings out of the two you get.  The buildings are really nice double sided card.  One side was a run down looking building with graffiti, while the other was side was a little more well kept.

I peeled off one side of the card and glued it to some foam core.  Then I rebuilt them and added some card to the corners to hide the seam.  I made a ledge with some quarter round and designed the roof to look more natural.

A few gargoyles where added to hide the holes from the old roof support.  I then used some fancy wood trim below the roof ledge to help hide the seam.  This trim really makes a difference and is a big improvement from the first buildings.

Cant wait to get these on a table and use them in a game!



  1. Wow! This is a clever way to get dirty-cheap buildings! I'll totally take this idea thanks a lot for the tip!

    1. thanks! I was very happy how they turned out. One problem I had was trying to get the corner strips to glue down. I dont think the glue sticks well to the high gloss paper of the buildings. maybe a quick coat with a Matt varnish first would help?
