Tuesday 13 March 2018

26/100 - Dwalin has Joined the Group

Every once in a while I'm really excited about a project.  It will be all that I want to work on.  Then somewhere down the line I will finish part of it and I am not happy how it turned out.  This usually kills the momentum for me and the project falls to the back burner.

Painting Balin did this to me.  I was super pumped when I finished Gandalf and Bilbo.  However when I finished Balin I was not happy with the final product.  I was a bit discouraged and less eager to start the next model.

After taking a little break to paint some Age of Sigmar, I got back to the dwarves.  I finished up Dwalin this week and I am very happy with the results.  He was one of my favorite characters from the movie adaptations.

I am thinking that the dwarves will make a good Frostgrave team in the future. 


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