Sunday 14 January 2018

6/100 - Castle Play-Set

If you are going to have a bunch of toy skeletons, you have to have the haunted castle play-set to put them in.  This week I took a break from painting Warmaster infantry to paint Warmaster terrain.  I finished up three more sections of the old Forge World Warmaster Castle.

There is only one more wall to paint but first I must rebuild the battlements, which have already apparently seen combat (the back room at the old GW Bunker must have been a rough place).

Next week I am going to try and finish up the Gandalf that I started.  I will also be working on a few stands of spirit hosts for my Vampire Counts Warmaster army.  I do have to say that working on this Warmaster is really getting me pumped to finish up my Death army for Age of Sigmar... 


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