Saturday 30 December 2017

I am going to start writing painting guides for my self.  This way I can remember exactly what I used to paint something when I go back to it at a future date.  So here is the first one:

Warmaster Skeleton Painting Guide

Zandri Dust
Agrax Earthshade
Tyrant Skull dry

Weapon Handels
Petroleum Gray
Petroleum Gray + Birch
Nulin Oil

Black Metal
Trash Metal
Agrax Earthshade

Coffin Shields
Rhinox Hide
Orange Leather
Agrax Earthshade

Purple Shields
Naggaroth Night
Xereus Purple
Leviathan Purple

Graphene Gray
Mechanicus Grey
Adminitratum Grey
Khemri Brown

Rhinox Hide + Troll Slayer Orange + Orange Leather + baking soda

Watered down Rhinox Hide
Balor Brown
Tyrant Skull dry


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