Saturday 30 December 2017

2017 Hobby in Review

Another year has gone by.  It was a very productive year (personally as well as hobby-wise).  I did more painting, gaming and blogging than the previous year.  At the beginning of 2017 I took part in the friendly Lords of War Hobby Challenge.  I made a goal to paint 75 models by the end of the year.  This morning I put the finishing touches on model 80-82.   Here are entries 64-82 of my hobby challenge; 4 units of Warmaster Dire Wolves (Actually wargs from Battle of Five Armies), a unit of Warmaster Skeletons, a Warmaster Necromancer, and three pieces of the old Forge World modular Warmaster castle. 

I painted the necromancer like an evil Gandalf.  It seemed fitting for this to be the last model I painted in 2017 since the Battle of Five Armies Gandalf and Frodo model was my first.


While I hit my hobby model count, I did not complete all of the projects that I intended.  2.5 out of 5 is not terrible. Here was the original list:
-New Crew for Batman Miniature Game - Completed 2 - Brave and the Bold and Scarecrow's Militia
-Team for The DC Universe Game (Justice League) - Completed 2 - Justice League 60+ levels and Suicide Squad
-Blood Angel Stormtalon (I have been converting this model for years, time to put some paint on it) - incomplete (in my defense I really don't want to paint red on a model this large without an airbrush!)
-1500pts of Undead for Age of Sigmar - incomplete - I made progress but only got about 750 finished 
-New Gang for Malifaux (Death Marshals or The Latigo Posse) - incomplete - not even attempted  

One of the things I was most proud of was this blog.  I wrote more post this year (40 entries) than any year previously (previous top was 28 in 2015).  The frequency of posts also improved, I made at least one entry every month. 

I started to share posts that featured Batman miniatures on the Arkham City Limits group.  Because of this people from around the world read the blog (Germany, UK, Spain, Australia).  I really like that the BMG community is truly worldwide.

The top three most views posts where:
1) Wayne Financial 
2) Arkham Guard Reporting for Duty
3) the DCU WAR Recap event at Lord of War

Here are a few of my favorite models/events/projects from this year:





I am looking forward to continuing this in the new year.  I will be partaking in the Lords of War Hobby Challenge 2018.  Not sure what my goal and projects will be, but I have a day to figure it out!  I hope you all will continue to accompany me through next year's hobby adventures! 


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