Thursday 14 December 2017

Hey Lou, get the bean bag gun

It took a while but I finally finished the final Arkahm Guard.  This was one of those models where I was just not happy with how it was turning out from the beginning.  So I ended up putting it aside for a few weeks.  When I finally picked up a brush again it only took a few hours to touch up and finish off. 

This guard has done fairly average in the two games that I have used him.  The stun damage riot gun is decent.  I do like that it has a good range and comes with 3 ammo.  He probably would have done better in both game if I had remembered that he (and all the other cops/guards I was using) had the "Arrest" rule.

All that is left to paint in my current Brave and the Bold crew is Nightwing.  I will be starting on this soon.  However I have been painting a lot of Batman minis this year, I may take a bit of a break over the next few weeks to work on some Warmaster and Battle of Five Army models. 


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