Monday 29 May 2017

The Brute

I played another couple of games this week and finished up the Brute for my Scarecrow crew.  The Brute has been a fun model to play with...except for the last game where he walked around a corner on the second turn and proceeded to get shot in the face by Harley.

He does add a lot of punch to the Scarecrow force.  He has an above average endurance of 6 and the Light Armour trait (opponents are -1 to wound him).  He also has Cybernetic, which gives him +1 to his block and recovery rolls.  When combined with the Sturdy trait (loose 1 action counter for every 3 wounds, instead of 2), he is "usually" tough to bring down.  His main downside is his defense of 2.

His Long Electrical Batons are very nice as well.  They have Handy (re-roll to hit), Mechanical (wound on 3+) and Reach (can target opponents 3cm away).  With 4 attacks (perhaps up to 6 if the Commander and Scarecrow are close by) and dealing 2 stun damage with each wound, the Brute can lay down a world of hurt.  

He also has a Gas Mask (immunity to anything that has Gas trait) which works well with how I am currently playing Scarecrow.  I like to take the Secret Laboratory upgrade for Scarecrow.  I explained how this upgrade works in a previous post.  One of the henchmen that I like to choose to release Scarecrow's fear toxin from is the Brute.  He is already geared to be up close and personal.  I can get him close to bludgeon enemies with his stun batons then release the fear gas on every model within 10cm.  With his Gas Mask he will be immune to the effects.

One more model left to go with the campaigns starting crew, Scarecrow.  

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