Wednesday 10 May 2017

More Militia

I finished up the second Militia henchman this weekend.  I am much more satisfied with how this one turned out when compared to his predecessor.  I started with painting the black parts of the pants.  Then I picked out the red areas but left part of the black separating the pants and the armour plates.  This helped break up the red and focus the eye.  I still have some fine tuning for the next one.

We have started a map based Batman campaign at Lord of War this past weekend.  I was able to get in a game using my Scarecrow vs the Gotham City Sirens.  It was a good game, I was not able to snatch victory in the end, but my crew performed much better this time.  

One of the MVPs for the game was the Militia 1 model that I had just painted.  The carbine that he carries (Damage: 1Blood, ROF: 5, Ammo: 2, Firearm, M. range, Assault 3) is great.  The assault allows him to shoot 3 times after moving.  However it was this model's personal traits that excelled; Veteran and Shooter.  Veteran allows the player to move 2 of this model's action counters when he is activated.  So I can put some counters in defense or special at first, then move them up to attack with the carbine.  Shooter was also very useful in this game.  It allows the player to choose to ignore one Ping! role when attacking with a ranged weapon.

This came came in handy twice.  My opponent set up one of Poison Ivy's plant with a range attack in a very great location.  It was on the corner of a building, giving it good lines of sight but also giving it a Ping! role if it was shot at.  I was able to get in close with the carbine wielding militia, chose to ignore the Ping! from the buildings ledge, and kill the plant in a single round (however not before the plant did some serious damage to Diablo).  The second time Shooter came in handy was when Ivy mind-controlled the Militia captain to stand between the carbine and her.  I ignored the Ping! from my own model and peeled off a wound or two from Ivy.

Scarecrow was also very very effective this game.  Especially with some of the new upgrades in the Arkham Knight Campaign book.  The "Secret Laboratory" is incredible.  It has several functions.  First it gives Scarecrow "Scientific" (increase Special to 4, but worth an extra victory point if killed).  It allows Scarecrow to choose which counters are lost due to fear (instead of the controlling player).  It also imposes a +2 penalty on your opponent willpower role when Scarecrow uses his "Inspire Fear" ability.  My favorite benefit is you choose two henchmen at the start of the game, use them to measure range when Scarecrow uses "Inspire Fear" as if Scarecrow was standing where that model is.  This allows you to keep Scarecrow relatively safe while sending a cheap henchmen into the thick of things to gas multiple opponents.  

My crew for the Campaign

On the other hand, I did find out it hurts when your opponent mind-controls your Brute with 4 attack counter.  Poor Diablo never knew what hit him.


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