For instance the Mastermind trait. I have been using it to roll two dice when solving riddle markers. However I forgot about the second part of the rule, adding an additional "Take the Lead" counter to my side. If I remembered to do this, it would increase the odds of me going first in a key round.
So i decided to make a one page quick reference sheet for my Scarecrow crew. I wrote down all the traits my crew has in detail along with the book and page number.
It has helped alot, I found that some of the traits that I seldom used did not do what I though that they did. The militia commander that I just finished has a trait called "Kill Them!" (Henchmen withing 10cm of this character gain an addition attack counter, which can bring this above that models usual maximum). I was confusing this with "Lets go!", which allows you to activate another model on a 4+ right after you finish with one.
If I had payed more attention to the Kill Them! trait, I would have kept him near the Brute. Who does not want a 5 attack, mechanical, 2 stun damage Brute with Reach!
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