Sunday 6 December 2015

na na na na na na na na BATMAN!

It has been a productive week for painting.  I managed to complete my Arkham City Batman and Arkham City Robin models for the Batman miniature game.  They where a blast to paint.  They are simple and have alot of character that captures the personality.  I am hoping to get my first game in later this week.

Hobby this week in review:
-Painted Batman and Robin
- Started Batwoman
- working on some Batman Counters
- Played a few rounds of "Letters to Santa" (Christmas version on the Love Letter Card game)
- Completed "the Gutter" level and "The Rotten" boss in Dark Souls 2 (with some help from a few friends)

I think next I will be working on a holiday painting project for myself.  A few years ago I posted about finishing up the Hogfather Discworld model.  I have had his trusty manservant Albert dressed as an elf sitting by the painting station for a while.  No better time then the present.

However with all the excitement over the new pre-heresy marines from GW, and talking about the game with the guys at Lords of Wargames and Hobbies...maybe you will see some new Blood Angels soon...


"Death in person did not turn up upon the cessation of every life.  It was not necessary.  Governments govern, but prime ministers and presidents do not personally turn up in people's homes and tell them how to run their lives, because of the mortal danger this would presents. There are laws instead."  "The Hogfather" by Terry Pratchett

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