Sunday 13 December 2015

Same Bat-Time

Batclaw to the top of the building followed by a Batarang to drop the thug
I was able to get in part of a game of Batman this week at Lords of War Games and Hobbies. My dynamic duo went against Chris and his very nicely painted Joker Crew led by Harley Quinn. Despite being able to play only 3-4 rounds, the game has me hooked!

The game is very dynamic. There is a lot of atmosphere and it really captures the feel of Batman (especially the Arkham video games). The Action Point system will take a bit to get used to. You have to plan out your character's whole turn before you activate them. There were a couple of times I wish I had placed my action counters more strategically.

My big takeaway from this first game: know all of your characters traits, items and specials.  There are some awesome combos if you plan it out.

This week, in review:
 - Started painting Batwoman
 - Started to build and paint a Discworld Christmas display box (pics next week...hopefully)
 - Started to paint Discworld Elf Albert
 - Built a unit of 10 Blood Angel Space Marines (I can now blend in when painting at LoWH)

Until next time, same Bat-channel

“Don't wish, Miss Tick had said. Do things.” - Terry Pratchett

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