Saturday, 30 December 2017

I am going to start writing painting guides for my self.  This way I can remember exactly what I used to paint something when I go back to it at a future date.  So here is the first one:

Warmaster Skeleton Painting Guide

Zandri Dust
Agrax Earthshade
Tyrant Skull dry

Weapon Handels
Petroleum Gray
Petroleum Gray + Birch
Nulin Oil

Black Metal
Trash Metal
Agrax Earthshade

Coffin Shields
Rhinox Hide
Orange Leather
Agrax Earthshade

Purple Shields
Naggaroth Night
Xereus Purple
Leviathan Purple

Graphene Gray
Mechanicus Grey
Adminitratum Grey
Khemri Brown

Rhinox Hide + Troll Slayer Orange + Orange Leather + baking soda

Watered down Rhinox Hide
Balor Brown
Tyrant Skull dry


2017 Hobby in Review

Another year has gone by.  It was a very productive year (personally as well as hobby-wise).  I did more painting, gaming and blogging than the previous year.  At the beginning of 2017 I took part in the friendly Lords of War Hobby Challenge.  I made a goal to paint 75 models by the end of the year.  This morning I put the finishing touches on model 80-82.   Here are entries 64-82 of my hobby challenge; 4 units of Warmaster Dire Wolves (Actually wargs from Battle of Five Armies), a unit of Warmaster Skeletons, a Warmaster Necromancer, and three pieces of the old Forge World modular Warmaster castle. 

I painted the necromancer like an evil Gandalf.  It seemed fitting for this to be the last model I painted in 2017 since the Battle of Five Armies Gandalf and Frodo model was my first.


While I hit my hobby model count, I did not complete all of the projects that I intended.  2.5 out of 5 is not terrible. Here was the original list:
-New Crew for Batman Miniature Game - Completed 2 - Brave and the Bold and Scarecrow's Militia
-Team for The DC Universe Game (Justice League) - Completed 2 - Justice League 60+ levels and Suicide Squad
-Blood Angel Stormtalon (I have been converting this model for years, time to put some paint on it) - incomplete (in my defense I really don't want to paint red on a model this large without an airbrush!)
-1500pts of Undead for Age of Sigmar - incomplete - I made progress but only got about 750 finished 
-New Gang for Malifaux (Death Marshals or The Latigo Posse) - incomplete - not even attempted  

One of the things I was most proud of was this blog.  I wrote more post this year (40 entries) than any year previously (previous top was 28 in 2015).  The frequency of posts also improved, I made at least one entry every month. 

I started to share posts that featured Batman miniatures on the Arkham City Limits group.  Because of this people from around the world read the blog (Germany, UK, Spain, Australia).  I really like that the BMG community is truly worldwide.

The top three most views posts where:
1) Wayne Financial 
2) Arkham Guard Reporting for Duty
3) the DCU WAR Recap event at Lord of War

Here are a few of my favorite models/events/projects from this year:





I am looking forward to continuing this in the new year.  I will be partaking in the Lords of War Hobby Challenge 2018.  Not sure what my goal and projects will be, but I have a day to figure it out!  I hope you all will continue to accompany me through next year's hobby adventures! 


Thursday, 14 December 2017

Hey Lou, get the bean bag gun

It took a while but I finally finished the final Arkahm Guard.  This was one of those models where I was just not happy with how it was turning out from the beginning.  So I ended up putting it aside for a few weeks.  When I finally picked up a brush again it only took a few hours to touch up and finish off. 

This guard has done fairly average in the two games that I have used him.  The stun damage riot gun is decent.  I do like that it has a good range and comes with 3 ammo.  He probably would have done better in both game if I had remembered that he (and all the other cops/guards I was using) had the "Arrest" rule.

All that is left to paint in my current Brave and the Bold crew is Nightwing.  I will be starting on this soon.  However I have been painting a lot of Batman minis this year, I may take a bit of a break over the next few weeks to work on some Warmaster and Battle of Five Army models. 
