I have my hobby desk set up and after a month hiatus I was able to get some projects done. A few weeks ago a good friend of mine left the county. Before he left however we were able to play a few games of Age of Sigmar Skirmish. It was only my third time to try out the Age of Sigmar rules. I am liking it more and more each time. Since then another of our mutual friends has also expressed an interest in trying the game.
So I decided to rebase some of my old Lizardmen (AKA Seraphon). Since I was only doing a small skirmish warband, I wanted to do something extra for the bases. I tried out one of Green Stuff World's textured rolling pins. It was easy to use, came of clean and with a lot of detail. I was impressed. I added a few old GW Lizardmen glyphs to add some Seraphon atmosphere. The bases were definitely more work but I am happy with them.
In addition to rebasing models I was also able to get in a game of Knight Models DC game. I used my Suicide Squad featuring; Deadshot, Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang, Slipnot, Harley Quin, Diablo and Katana. Chis's (from Lord of War Games and Hobbies) used his Injustice league; Black Adam, Lex Luthor in his warsuit, Sinistro and the Joker. The mission was Big Combat. Basically each players highest point character (the champion) is placed in the middle of the board at the beginning, which the rest of the team on the table edge. You get victory points for taking out your opponents champion and each other player alive at the end of the game.
So it was was Black Adam vs Diablo...not off to a good start. Chis took out Diablo by second turn, Black Adam is a beast! I was able to bring down Black Adam the following round. Katana did some great damage since her soultaker sword attacks supernatural defense, which Black Adam has no resistance too. Deadshot was a disappointment, 5 shots from bullet-time and I only hit once. Captain Boomerang took the final wounds off with a homing explosive boomerang, which also KO'ed Katana.

Harley Quin was the model who turned the game around for me. With her Agile rule (move twice) she was able to clear most of the table and do her Crazy Attack, hitting both Lex and Sinistro, KO'ing them both. She then kept beating Sinisto to death with her bat the following round before hi-tailing it out of there. Harley would not hurt her pudding Joker. Both Champions were dead, Chis had Joker left standing, while I had Harley and Slipnot. We scored it a 4-3 victory for the Suicide Squad.
However there was some ambiguity there. The scenario says you get a single victory point for each model that survives the battle. Lex Luther was KO'ed, not incapacitated. He did not recover in the last round. So what counts as "survived" the battle? Is it anyone who was not incapacitated? In which case a KO'ed model would still count. Or does the model have to be Active during the final round to be considered survived?
What do people thing?
Whether it was a narrow victory or a tie, I am very happy with how the squad preformed. Much better then I expected. It went back and forth and had a lot of dramatic points, a great example of what the game can be.
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