Monday 26 June 2017

Armoured Bat-fleck

I will be moving in a few weeks, so I had to start packing up my hobby desk.  However before I put everything away I wanted to get one last model done.  Fresh on the heels of Wonder Woman I thought I would paint the final member of my DC Trinity box, Armoured Bat-fleck.

I always thought he was the weakest sculpt of the set.  His arms just seem a little small and ill proportioned.  However, because it is a very simple colour scheme (especially compared to WW) he was a blast to paint.

I used to only like painting at home.  I had my chair, a show in the background and my good lamp.  Over the last year I have tried to get out more to my local shop.  Mainly to play games, but if I had no one to play I would do some painting.  I was able to talk to other painters, ask questions and share ideas.

I started to paint Armoured Bat-fleck last Thursday at Lords of War Games.  I was sitting next to Mr Dai Viet.  One of the best painters I know.  We had a good talk about considering lighting sources when working on a model.  I think I tend not to think of light sources and then over highlight.  He gave me some good ideas to consider.  I tried it out on the armour for Bat-fleck, it is not perfect but it is a lot better than I have been doing.  Your local talent can be a great source of knowledge.      

My local hobby store got in some Scale 75 paints (and for some reason I can never remember the name, I usually call it Sector 75 or something).  I had seen what some of the other regulars had done with them and I wanted to give them a try.

They are a lot of fun.  For the most part the paint has a more flat finish when compared to Games Workshop.  However they do mix well with the GW  paints.  I painted Batman's cape with a mix of Graphene Grey (Scale 75) and Abaddon Black (GW).  The two paints gave it a good dark dull grey finish.

I tried painting the light reflected from his Bat-flecks eyes.  This is the first time I tried to paint a reflected light.  I went a little too solid with the colour, I was hoping to have more of the armour shining through, but I am happy with it.



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