I took a break from my Scarecrow crew to paint up the second member of my DC Trinity box, Wonder Woman. I had the sudden urge to paint her after watching the new movie. Part way through the film I realized I was doing what I used to do when watching the Lord of the Rings in the theater; figure out a colour palette. "If I use a Mepheston red then mix it with a evil sun red, then give the whole thing a red wash, it should be close to that red" etc.
I really enjoyed the movie. It had some great messages but they were not beating you over the head with them. There was some very funny scenes. It was basically a "fish out of water" story, but they did not make Wonder Woman goofy or silly about it. Also the fight choreography was amazing. The only real down side I found was with the villains. As a whole, super hero villains are usually very campy, but these guys were so two dimensional. Luckily the hero and the supporting actors where strong enough to make up for it.

Wonder Woman will be a good addition to my Justice League team for the DCU game. She is hard to bring down with her high hit points, "Bracelets of Submission" (+3 to physical and energy def) and the "Indestructible Shield" (pass and agility role and cancel a physical or energy attack). The "lasso of Truth" can also be great to drop the defense of a tough opponent; so Wonder Woman's allies can bring the pain (Super Punch anyone?). In most games I expect that she will be up front with Superman dealing the damage, while the rest of my team goes for objectives or runs support.
Here is my current 60 levels of Justice League. Superman and Wonder are the tanks and attackers. Green Arrow will lay down some range support and go after objectives. The Flash and Batgirl are my main objective runners. That leave Batman to support and be a secondary tank where needed.
I will have to play a few games to see if this team will work.
Kevin (queue electronic cello solo)
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