Sunday 5 April 2015

Second Ronin and end of my first Malifaux Campaign

I finished up the last model for my Misaki Crew late last week.  A second Ronin.  I tried to go for a plaid pattern, but the first attempt really did not turn out well.  And, with it being a short week (last day of the campaign was Thursday instead of Friday) I decided to just go with some basic colours (but at least use some colours I don't normally use).  

I played a very fun last round against Andrew on Thursday night.  The first few turns looked bad for me.  Andrew was able to bring down two of my Torakage to a single wound from shooting.  However with the "Smoke and Shadows" upgrade, I was able to get them far out of the way and start dropping scheme markers.  

The Ronin were great.  They were able to take a few hits and stay alive with a single wound.  And their attack that ignores Armour was useful against my steel bodied enemies.  

All-in-all, the guys at Lords of War Games and Hobbies put on a great escalation league.  It was perfect for us beginners, and it looked like the vets had a blast too.  Looking forward to their next one.  


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