Monday 8 April 2013

7.5 cm Pak40's

The 7.5cm Pak40 (7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40) was the backbone of the German anti-tank guns.  After Germany invaded Russia the need for strong guns became paramount.  The Russians had a tremendous amount of T-34 tanks available.  The answer to this problem was a high velocity armour piercing gun.  The first of the Pak40 began to show up by 1941.  Around 23 500 Pak40 were built by the end of the war. 

I also tried adding some snow to one of my StuG's from last week.  I used the same snow I used on the bases.  I was trying to make it look like the snow had blown off while the tank was driving.  I am still on the fence about it.  What do you guys think?  Should I winter-fy the rest?  


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