Sunday 31 March 2013

Tank Completed, Rolling out: StuG G

During World War 2, Germany needed a mobile assault gun that would be able to help support their infantry divisions as well as comply with their Blitzkrieg tactics.  The Sturmgeschütz III (StuG) was their answer.  This self propelled artillery piece combines, armour, mobility and a powerful main gun.  There were several varients with different guns and details made through out the war.  In the end 9,408 tanks were produced.

The StuG stood just over 7 feet tall and was 22 feet 6 inches long by 9 feet 8 inches wide.  Due to the shorter stature of the StuG (the M4 Sherman stood at 9 feet) it was easier to camouflaged and hide.  The armour ranged from 16-80mm thick.  The 7.5cm StuK40 gun was attached directly to the hull.  The StuG could travel at 40km/h.  Later versions of the assault gun were fitted with armour plating on the sides (called schurzen) to help protect against smaller anti-tank measures (such as anti-tank riffles and PIAT launchers). 

I painted up 5 StuG G tanks for my Germans this week.  I plan to field them as a platoon of 3 and a second support platoon of 2.  I choose not to go with  a winter paint coat.  After looking at various methods I found that it always appeared sloppy or like the model was just chipped.  I followed Flames of War painting tutorial for some guidance.  I tried some techniques I had not used in a while and some that I never have used before.  I am quite satisfied with the results.  I may add some of the same snow I use on the infantry bases on the top of the tanks 


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