Wednesday 20 February 2019

13 - Portal, 10th Metal Objectives and Bases...Oh My!

The annual Birthday Bash at Lords of War is just around the corner.  This Saturday to be exact.  As true to form, I will be running another custom Batman Megabattle (4 Years running!).

This years scenario is inspired from the Batman: Metal story-line.  The Dark Knights (evil twisted versions of Batman) have invaded earth.  The heroes and villains must compete against each other, to control the rare 10th metal artifacts scattered through the city.  However as people fall in battle, they are reborn in the darkness and fight with the Knights.  I will place a link to the scenario HERE.

There will be a portal in the center of the table.  Any victory points scored within 6" are doubled.  I made a quick portal out of a spare ring from a Seraphon  Engine of the Gods and a clear blue base insert that I had in my desk for a few years.

There will also be three 10th Metal Artifacts on the table, a Sword, a Warhammer, and a Suit of Armour.  Each one gives a special bonus.  I made the 3 markers out of some spare GW bitz I had floating around.

I have been following the Terrain Tutor on Facebook and Youtube for a little while now.  I got a great idea for basing material from there, using caulking are a medium for a textured rolling pin.  I tried it out on some spare bases.  I applied a thin layer of caulking and smoothed it out with a sculpting tool.  I then dipped my roller completely in a bucket of water.  Then I just rolled it over the caulking. 

I have to say it worked really well.  The material is very cheap.  It held the details well (at least the cobblestone texture) as it dried.  It even paints great and appears to be fairly resistant to wear.  It was a little rubbery for a few days.  I was able to press my finger nail into it and leave an impression, however it did bounce back after a bit and I cant see any of my marks now.  After a few days it dries really hard. 

I will definitely be doing this again.  You could base a whole army for under $10!


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