Saturday 30 July 2016

Trying to Base the Legons of Death

I have finished switching the square bases to round bases for my 1000pts Age of Sigmar.  Now I just have to figure out how to paint the bases.  I did not want to just add some sand and static grass to the bases like I have always done.  I wanted to try something new.

I was talking to Jay again at Lords of War Games and Hobbies and he recommended I try Agrellan Earth Technical paint from Games Workshop.  I really like how Chris at the shop did the cracked mud bases on his Malifaux Guild.

I want to base my models from the Realm of Death, so I am thinking dry cracked earth, dead grass and dead leaves (for a little colour).  Jay suggested using a bright colour underneath the Agrellan earth to give it an other-worldly effect.  I went with a green one since all my ethereal models are green.

This is where I need some help/advice.  I have done up three different bases.  One with a brown base, one with a blight green base, and one with a whitish green base.

 Which base do you think looks better?  Any advice, tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Rhinox Hide Base

Moot Green Base

Moot Green and White Base


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