Saturday, 30 July 2016

Trying to Base the Legons of Death

I have finished switching the square bases to round bases for my 1000pts Age of Sigmar.  Now I just have to figure out how to paint the bases.  I did not want to just add some sand and static grass to the bases like I have always done.  I wanted to try something new.

I was talking to Jay again at Lords of War Games and Hobbies and he recommended I try Agrellan Earth Technical paint from Games Workshop.  I really like how Chris at the shop did the cracked mud bases on his Malifaux Guild.

I want to base my models from the Realm of Death, so I am thinking dry cracked earth, dead grass and dead leaves (for a little colour).  Jay suggested using a bright colour underneath the Agrellan earth to give it an other-worldly effect.  I went with a green one since all my ethereal models are green.

This is where I need some help/advice.  I have done up three different bases.  One with a brown base, one with a blight green base, and one with a whitish green base.

 Which base do you think looks better?  Any advice, tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Rhinox Hide Base

Moot Green Base

Moot Green and White Base


Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Age of Sigmar

It has been awhile, I think I got a little burned out working on those Batman buildings a few months ago and took a little hobby break.  But not un-like the god-emperor Sigmar, I have returned (all be it with far less lightning).

Hows that for a segue?

I have checked out Age of Sigmar before, but I never took the plunge.  Now with the new Generals Compendium, I decided now is the time.  Immediately I was full of nostalgia.  I was sitting in a shop, building an army, looking at the new models, and getting immersed into the lore.  I decided to go with the Forces of Death.  Partly because I have a lot of undead models that where built but never painted, partly because it was my first army.  The very first box of miniatures I bought was a unit of skeletons from Bushmans Games and Comics over 20 years ago.  Time to go back to my roots.

Jay from Lords of War Games and Hobbies was awesome to lend me his copy of  Age of Sigmar source book (as well as a couple of Morgast Archai!)  I wanted to read up on the new mythos.  He also helped me work out a 1000pts army list.  I don't know if it is any good, but it is a start.  

In the middle of switching to circle bases
