Monday, 11 January 2016

Blood Angel Progress

New year, new...old...old army.  I have not worked on a 40k army for years.  However I have had this project sitting on my shelf for a long time.  I started it shortly after I stopped working for Games Workshop.  They had just released a new Blood Angels rule book.  I wanted to add something to my completed 3rd Company.
The book had the rules for the Stormraven (I think this was the first time it appeared).  It reminded me of a mini-Thunderhawk.  At the time no model had been released.  I had always wanted a Thunderhawk from Forgeworld (but not the grand to pay for it).  I decided to challenge myself (hobby wise) and scratch build my own.

I asked for some help from my friend Brad (my converting guru).  He found some Thunderhawk templates online.  We re-sized them and started to cut some plastic card.  I got the frame built and Brad designed the flight stand (base and attach point on the ship).  We put some metal sheets inside the wings so we could make all weapons magnetic.   This is how the model stayed on my self for half a decade.  

 My first project of the year, I decided, was to finish the Stormraven.  With the frame done, I just had to do the details.

I finished up the rear hatch first.  For the rivets I drilled a hole then glued a bobby pin inside.  I added a couple extra sheets to the sides and cut the recess out for the doors.  I used some Razorback platting for the vents.

The model is far from complete.  I still have to clean up the plates, add some more trim and a lot more details.  It is progressing.  (I also have to find 2 more missiles to replace the ones I lost during multiple moves).  

More will be forthcoming over the next few weeks.  I do not think this is going to be a quick project.  


"I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it."  Terry Pratchett

Sunday, 3 January 2016

The last of 2015 Models

I spent a few days of my Christmas break working on two last Christmas presents (or early birthday presents). I did not think I would get them all done, but I got into a painting groove for few nights where everything just worked out perfectly. On the morning of the 31st I applied the dull coat to both projects.

I've painted a Flames of War model for a friend for the past 3 years. He is usually vague on what he wants (he does not play the game but likes the models). He usually says something like "I want a tank", or "Can you paint me a plane?". This year he was silent, so I figured he did not want one. I was wrong. He mentioned it just a few days before Christmas, so I had to think of something fast. In the past, I had painted him a German Panther, a British half-track and an American Lightning. So this year I went with something a little smaller. I had a Toccoa Sargent from the Band of Brother upgrade. I added some long grass and a piece of rolled up wire as barbed wire.

I have a policy when buying gifts for my nephews. Gifts should have something to do with Dinosaurs or Batman. I figured this policy should also extend to friends. I wanted a dramatic Batman model for this gift. I debated between Frank Miller's Batman and Arkham Knight Batman. I decided to go with the former. I ended up repainting this model when I was half done. I had highlighted the cowl and Batcape, then applied a wash to mute the colour a bit. It was horrible. So I put another episode of the original animated Batman on, put my head down and started from the beginning. I was much happier with the second attempt. This was also part 2 of the gift, along with the Toccoa Sargent.

My buddy Brad really likes the classic "Bowler Hat" Riddler. I had never painted anything for him before (as he is a fellow hobbyist and quite a skilled converter himself). I had also not painted a bright green model since...never actually. I just had to give it a try. I did not have any hopes of finishing this by New Years, however I was wrong. Everything seemed to flow smoothly with it. In the end, I felt like it was one of the best models I have ever painted.

The other bonus of painting two friends' Batman models is, we can now all play the game...

 - Kevin

PS: I was also able to get in a 100-points a side, 4 player, everyone vs everyone game of X-wing

"It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living" Terry Prachett