This week I started to work on the second German platoon as well as the Panzerschreck team.

Panzerschreck (tank fright) was a infantry anti-tank weapon. Similar
to the PaK40, after the Germans started to fight against the Soviet
Union's T-34 tanks, they realized they needed something stronger then
the anti-tank rifle that they were current using. Eventually the
Pazerschreck became the bane of Allied armour. The fin-stabilized
rocket the Panzerschreck fired could penetrate up to 200mm thick armour,
however it did have a limited range (150-180 meters)
of the supposed downsides of this tank killer was that when it was
fired it produced a lot of smoke (both in front and behind the weapon).
This made it difficult to shoot from inclosed spaces as well as
revealing the wielders position.
The Panzerschreck team
should be a good addition to my German force. By attaching it to other
infantry and can add some anti-tank support wherever I need it.