Wednesday 7 November 2012

Flower Tea and other things

Hello again.
I have not had a chance to get any work done on the "Open Fire" box.  I will try tonight to work on filling in the gaps on the bases of the infantry.  I started a new job (the first in my new career) and I have been doing a lot of training.  Beside the new job (which I am totally stoked for) this week started of terribly.  Fortunately I have some really good friends that have been keeping me busy in the evenings.  I owe these people alot and I am great full to have them.  To them, for now, I can only say thank you.

One of the a fore mention people is my friend Lin.  (It dawned on both of us that we have been friends for 10 years!)  She gave me this Chinese blooming flower tea to try.  I had seen them in the store before but never really looked into it.  It is this little tightly packed ball, about the size of a bottle cap.  You put it in a cup and pour hot water on it.  Air bubbles immediately start to escape and the blossom starts to open. Out of the bulb another bulb pops up on a string.  Then that bulb releases another bulb, so on and so on.  I know it is not that special, but I got to say, it has kept me amused!  and now I have more tea to drink.

I have also found 3 boxes of old photos and documents from my Grandparents on both sides.  I am going to be scanning them all to make a back up.  So i will have some more family history to report soon. 

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