I have been finding that Superman in the DCU tends to be a lightning rod. It is a lot of levels (at 18!). I was also finding that I was having better success playing with my Suicide Squad team. I like the play style of lots of lower level characters compared to a few high level ones. So my plan is to drop the boy scout and put in Starfire and Cyborg for the same level cost.
In the DCU Starfire can deal a lot of damage. She can set off a 4 inch explosion each turn and has an impressive attack 8 attribute. I painted up Starfire first in anticipation for the Justice League War event at the Lords of War this weekend. Starfire is very top heavy (I am not making a joke about her anatomy) and kept tipping over. I added some fishing weights to the base and camouflaged them with some smoke.

I also got some scatter terrain painted up. I took the barrels from the Warhammer Empire cannon and filled with with realistic water. I also painted up some oil drum garbage/recycling cans.
I found a cool youtube video that teaches you how to make mini garbage bags out of real garbage bags. Super easy to make and they look awesome. I made about 15 in an hour.
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