Sunday 11 December 2016

Suicide Squad

I finished up the first few models from my Suicide Squad box the other day.  First up was Slipknot and Killer Croc.  At the time I painted these guys I had not seen the movie.  Slipknot seemed the easiest out of the group to paint (a little transition from painting nothing but tanks for a few weeks).  The problem with models that are 90% black is that they tend to look a little boring and unfinished.  I was happier with it after I added the buckles and highlights. 

I went with a little more cartoony/comic look to killer Croc.  I have always liked the character.  I especially like him in the Arkham video games.  This one's a little smaller than the latter.  I am also a little surprised that the suicide killer croc is the same strength of every other member of the squad (except Harley, Katana and Slipknot), at 4+. 

I am having a lot of fun painting up these models.  Up next Captain Boomerang. 


  1. Your level of work on Slipknot far surpasses mine :)

  2. far surpasses the amount of stuff he does in movie too
