Saturday, 17 December 2016

Deadshot - Suicide Squad

I finished up the leader for my Suicide Squad, Deadshot.  This was a very smooth and clean model to paint. I tried to spruce up the base with some old Batman newspapers.  The cobble stones are nice but a little plain. 

I am looking forward to trying out the suicide squad.  I have some games lined up for the new year.  It will be interesting playing a team that starts to explode if you mess up (at least if mess up bad enough it will be a quick game).

Up next, cops, Harley Quinn and Batfleck.

Friday, 16 December 2016


The fifth member of my Suicide Squad is complete, Katana.  This was the more difficult model to build in the set.  I had a hard time getting the arms meeting at the wrist and shoulder joints.  Some green stuff helped take care of it. 

I like this version of Katana, she has a lower (for a Free agent) reputation cost and I can use her with my Law Enforcement crew.  She also has the "volunteer" rule, which means that when she is used as a member of the suicide squad she can not be killed by the "suicide squad" special rule (which in turn makes her more reliable then other member who head may go BOOM at the start of the turn). 

Next up will be Deadshot...followed by some cops...


Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Diablo was next on the table.  I actually got him done early into the weekend.  I really liked his skin tone, so I was reserved about trying to paint the tattoos on his face.  However once I finished painting him he just did not look "finished" with out them. 

I added some black lines to the chin and checks for the tattoo skull effect.  I also tried for the little sickle on his forhead.  It was basic but I am happy with it.   I am planning on revisiting the flames in  his hand,  I am  not happy with them.

(I wonder if Knight Models will make a model for giant flaming skeleton with dreads Diablo...)

Monday, 12 December 2016

Captain Boomerang

I finished up Captain Boomerang the other day.  I have always kinda liked this villan.  Mainly for the silliness of the character.  He does make a good Green Arrow villan.  The model from the suicide squad has a good Fonzy from Happy Days pose going on.  My squad is coming together.  Squad goals!  I am not sure what that is but I am assured that the young people are using it. 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Suicide Squad

I finished up the first few models from my Suicide Squad box the other day.  First up was Slipknot and Killer Croc.  At the time I painted these guys I had not seen the movie.  Slipknot seemed the easiest out of the group to paint (a little transition from painting nothing but tanks for a few weeks).  The problem with models that are 90% black is that they tend to look a little boring and unfinished.  I was happier with it after I added the buckles and highlights. 

I went with a little more cartoony/comic look to killer Croc.  I have always liked the character.  I especially like him in the Arkham video games.  This one's a little smaller than the latter.  I am also a little surprised that the suicide killer croc is the same strength of every other member of the squad (except Harley, Katana and Slipknot), at 4+. 

I am having a lot of fun painting up these models.  Up next Captain Boomerang. 

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Panther and Jagdpanther

I finished up the German Panther from the “Tanks!” starter set while I built my Suicide Squad.  You can build either a Panther or a Jagdpanther from the kit.  I could not decide on which one, so I went with both.  With a few strategically placed magnates I was able to magnetize the hull top and turret. 

One of the reasons the Germans needed the Panther tank was in response to the success of the Soviets T34.  The Panthers had increased armour and a more powerful gun then the Panzer IV.  The Panthers were also cheaper to produce then the larger Tiger heavy tanks.  However the early Panthers where not very reliable any many broke down or caught fire during longer marches.

The Panther was active from mid-1943 until then end of the war.  It was also the third most produced German tank in WW2 (Behind the Panzer and StuG); around 6132 tanks of various models where produced. 

The main armament was a 7.5cm KwK 42 cannon.  The long barrel and large propellant charge created a very high muzzle velocity, which was excellent for penetrating armour.

The Canadian forces faced many Panther tanks during the Battle for Caen in France.  The relatively open ground around Caen was great terrain for the Panthers to knock out allied tanks from a distance.  However by Normandy, 1 in 4 of Canadian M4 Shermans had been upgraded to the 17pdr Sherman Firefly.  There was also an increase in 17pdr M10s.  These allied tank hunters also proved to be dangerous to the Panthers over the open ground.  

One of the biggest concentrations of Panther tanks was during the Battle of Bulge during the Ardennes Offensive.

The Jagdpanther used the same base as the Panther, but removed the turret and embedded the cannon into the hull.  The name translates to “Hunting Panther”, which is fitting as it was primarily used as a tank destroyer.

The Jagdpanther came into service in 1944 and combined the armour and mobility of the Panther with the 8.8cm Cannon of the Tiger 2.  Only around 415 where made, raw material shortages and destroyed factories limited the production.

The British saw only a few of these tanks in Normandy; however a larger number of them were
utilized during the Ardennes Offensive.
