Thursday 29 September 2016

Uncle Roy and the 12th Manitoba Dragoons

Last week, my grandmother's brother, Roy Ormiston, passed away peacefully in his sleep.  I did not really know my great uncle Roy.  I think I only met him a handful of times when I was really young.  The only knowledge I had of him was from the stories my grandmother would tell me during our drives up to my parents' home. 

A little while before he passed my aunt found an interesting article posted on "The Memory Project".  Uncle Roy gave an interview about his experience as a member of the 12th Manitoba Dragoons during World War II.  Until then, I had no idea he had served.  It was a very interesting interview.

I wanted to learn more about Uncle Roy and the 12th Manitoba Dragoons.  There is a lot of information about the Dragoons online and in print.  There is a museum in Brandon, Manitoba (wish I knew that last year during my cross Canada trip).  The museum's staff have put a lot of pictures on their online museum tour.  I contacted the curator to see if he had any information/pictures on Roy's military service (or tips on where I could find some).

I will post more as I learn more.


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