Saturday, 16 April 2016

Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, M.D

I finished up my first sidekick for my Joker Crew. I really liked the classic Harley costume (though the Arkham series ones look great too). I liked painting the split colour costume; should I do a two-face crew? One issue with the model was that I had to base Harley standing on a rock. The handle of her mallet was far too long, I would either have had to cut it down or make her higher.
In game, Harley is a bit of a puzzle. With "Acrobatic" and "Fast", she is a very agile model that can jump around the table. I have used this to stalk hiding enemy models, as well as grab an objective early on.

She has the large mallet which is heavy (+1 to wound). It also sends wounded enemies flying backward. However, with her low strength, Harley can be limited in combat. In my last game with her, Harley went after her fellow Gotham City Siren comrade Catwoman. After a few rounds of combat, Harley had barely scratched the cat. Instead, I tried using her in more of a supporting role. I used both "Distract" (-1 enemy defense) and "Discourage" (-2 enemy willpower) on Catwoman.  This dropped Catwoman's high defense down to 4 and robbed her of two key action counters that could have been used to dodge.  This allowed a shotgun wielding henchman to fill the cat full of lead.  Harley Quinn is not as straightforward as she would seem.

I have been following my friend Jay's work on his new Plastic Craft Games terrain pieces.  If you have not seen it, check out some of his work here.  While I was at Lords of Wargames and Hobbies last week, Chris showed me some of the Circus themed Plastic Craft kits.

 They are awesome.  I ended up picking up the "Circus Stage" kit to try it out.  I have also been wanting to make a photo back drop for my Joker Crew for a while.

The kit went together very smoothly, and was a lot bigger then I expected.  For the cost and amount of effort it took to make a nice piece of terrain, I highly recommend it.  I will be definitely be doing a full circus table now.    


"The pen is mightier then the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp" Terry Pratchett

Sunday, 3 April 2016

The Ringmaster - No BATS!

I actually finished up the Ringmaster for my Joker crew late last week.  This models has done well in game.  He has a nice endurance of 7, way above average for a henchman.  He also has the "Unpredictable" trait.  This allows him to spend his special counters as any other counter (and does not count to that actions maximum).  So, the Ring master could put 4 of his action counters in attack and then spend one of his special counters to get a fifth attack dice.  His one down side is an average willpower of 5.

We have started to create a Batman tournament.  We are looking at Saturday in mid May,  More details to follow.


"The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head" Terry Pratchett