Sunday 20 March 2016

Joey Bats and his Friend

I finished up two more members of my Joker gang for the BMG. The un-named clown with the shield and Contra-Auguste aka Joey Bats. Hopefully he will swing the bat like the Blue Jays' Joey Bats. Both models are henchmen and have done OK in all their previous games.

I tend to run shield guy in front of the Joker to benefit from the extra "Ping" roll the shield confers. He also has "Demented Laugh (Distract)", which lowers an enemy's defense by one. It just makes it that much easier to the Joker to use that poisoned knife of his when he needs to.

Joey Bats is a little tougher than Shields, and costs a bit more too. With the "Handy" and "Heavy" rules on the bat, he tends to hit and wound fairly consistently. He is great to soak up the opponents defense dice, so someone that can do a bit more damage can land a blow. The "obsessive" (has to go after the first person he damages until they are K.O.) can be troublesome. As of yet, it has not been an issue.

Up next will be the Ringmaster, followed by Harley Quinn...


"What he didn't like about heroes was that they were usually suicidally gloomy when sober and homicidally insane when drunk" - Terry Pratchett

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