What Batman crew would be complete without their very own Bat signal. I found this one at a book store. It was one of those small boxes that are always by the cash on the turning tower (and cost as much as a book). There is not much cost savings compared to the MDF one from Knight Models...however this one turns on!
I will wait to use it in game to decide if I really like it or not. At the start of the game, the signal is OFF. When a Batman crew is beside the signal they can switch it on. For each turn that the signal is OFF, the opponent gets 1 victory point. However for each turn it is ON, the Batman crew gets 4 victory points!
What I like about this objective is that the model does not need to sit by the signal to control it and earn victory points. You spend a turn to flip it on, then Bat-claw away to face-punch some goons.
I played two games of BMG this week. First game I played Batman, Robin and Batwoman against my buddy Jimmy's Two Face crew. The second game I used my Joker crew versus Jay's (Lords of Wargames and Hobbies) Batman, Robin and Batgirl. Both games ran very similarly. Two Face and Joker crews were able to get a hold of multiple objects and rack up a lot of victory points early on, while the Bat-family ran around giving the thugs the beat down (except for Robin who became a casualty in both games).
I think that the Batman crews really need some cheap law enforcement henchmen to be competitive. You need someone that can sit on an objective while Batman runs around K.O.'ing people. Plus the cheap cops come with "Arrest" which will get a few extra points and stop people from recovering later.