Wednesday 6 November 2013

Arnold Sideways

I am going to post on a schedule now.  I will make an entry every Wednesday and Sunday.  Topics may vary, but I will show progress on the models that I am currently working on.

 "Arnold Sideways, whose lack of legs only served to give him an extra advantage in any pub fight, where a man with good teeth at groin height had it all his own way." - The Truth by Terry Pratchett

This week I spent a few nights working on the next miniature from the Discworld series: Arnold Sideways.  This miniature is one of the members in the "The Canting Crew" set.  He is one of the famous beggars of Ank-Morpork.  The model even has a boot on a stick, which Arnold uses to "kick" people in the head.  I had a sewer lid base lying around, so I strategically placed him on it so the word "foul" is prominent.


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