The StuG stood just over 7 feet tall and was 22 feet 6 inches long by 9 feet 8 inches wide. Due to the shorter stature of the StuG (the M4 Sherman stood at 9 feet) it was easier to camouflaged and hide. The armour ranged from 16-80mm thick. The 7.5cm StuK40 gun was attached directly to the hull. The StuG could travel at 40km/h. Later versions of the assault gun were fitted with armour plating on the sides (called schurzen) to help protect against smaller anti-tank measures (such as anti-tank riffles and PIAT launchers).
I painted up 5 StuG G tanks for my Germans this week. I plan to field them as a platoon of 3 and a second support platoon of 2. I choose not to go with a winter paint coat. After looking at various methods I found that it always appeared sloppy or like the model was just chipped. I followed Flames of War painting tutorial for some guidance. I tried some techniques I had not used in a while and some that I never have used before. I am quite satisfied with the results. I may add some of the same snow I use on the infantry bases on the top of the tanks