I set a modest painted model count at 75 models. With the exception of the elite units in my Undead Age of Sigmar army, I am painting mostly skirmish games. Here are some specific projects I want to complete.
-New Crew for Batman Miniature Game (Green Arrow/Law Enforcement)
-Team for The DC Universe Game (Justice League)
-Blood Angel Stormtalon (I think that is what is called)(I have been converting this model for years, time to put some paint on it)
-1500pts of Undead for Age of Sigmar
-New Gang for Malifaux (Death Marshals or The Latigo Posse)
I have also set an additional hobby goal, to paint both sides of the "Battle of Five Armies" box (not included in the above model count). I have had two of these boxes around since they came out. The models are awesome and so much fun to work with. In addition to the miniatures, I also have a bunch the Forgeworld Warmaster terrain that I want to paint up to go with it. I would also like to play a game with the forces and terrain when I am done with it, so if anyone wants to try out an awesome game let me know.
I would also like to try to write more. I want to post on this blog at least every other week all year through. I will also try my hand at writing some battle reports and perhaps a short story or two.
Having said all that, I completed my first two models of the year early Saturday morning. Two cops for the BMG. I was thinking of painting GCPD on the back of the jackets, but decided against it as these guys will be pulling double duty in my Batman/ Gotham Police crew and my Green Arrow crew.
2/75 complete, 73 more to go.
theirs some really effective conversions for ARSENAL where you ditch the stupid baseball hat and use the spare tv arrow head on him