It has been a little while since I wrote a post. The gear up for Adepticon was crazy busy. I was able to finish the last of the models I needed for the BMG tournament, Lincoln March and the 3 Owl objective markers. Both where a lot of fun to paint. It was interesting to research different owls and their markings/colouring.
I also finished making a wooden carrying case with magnetic trays. It was a very different project from what I have been working on recently. It was also very nice to be able to build it with my brother (it also means it is much more structurally sound). It worked great for Adepticon. Everything (models, objectives, dice, rulebook, tokens, display boards etc) for both BMG and DCU fit inside. It also gave me a handy table to put my beer while I was playing.

The two tournaments at Adepticon where good. This was the first time I played in any tournament in about a decade. I played BMG with my Court of Owls on Friday. We played 4 rounds, and I almost hit the cycle. I got a Total Victory in the first game versus a DK Bane. I got a loss against Penguin in the second game. The third game was against big Batman with his bat cloak and cops, I got a victory. By the fourth game I was burned out. I was playing against Gotham City Sirens. I put every action counter into movement and attack, then just rushed did not work, I got a Total Defeat. My opponents where all great sports with nicely painted and themed crews. In the end I came in around 13/37.

The next day was the DCU tournament. It was 3 rounds and I had alot of fun playing in this one. There was only 8 players, and the majority of them where just there to have fun. I was also playing in this tournament with my buddy Alex. It was great to have someone you know to joke around with (and buy each other beer) between rounds. I did not know anyone in the BMG tournament and it felt kinda isolated at times. Hopefully we can round up a few of our local players to come down next year and play too! I took 3rd place in the DCU tournament (and won myself a Zantana), while Alex placed 4th.

This was my first time going to Adepticon. It was intense. 5600 people attended over the 4 days, and I am not typically someone who likes crowds. It was great to see a lot of new (or new to me) games and products in the vendor hall. I picked up a few models for gaming (Wild West Exodus!) and some really nice statues to work on my painting skills. It nothing else, Adepticon really got me on a hobby high. I am re-energized to start new projects and get to painting again!
What really made the trip for me though were the people I went with. I got to know some members of the local hobby community much better. The best memories from the trip where walking around the vendor hall and talking hobby with some new and old friends. Or just sitting down and watching my friends play AoS or 40K. I am definitely looking forward to next year (assuming Jay and Chris are not tired of carrying my ass around).