Wednesday, 3 October 2018

93/100 - Crimes Worst Nightmare

This week I was able to finish painting Nightmare Batman from the Batman V Superman movie.  This is the Batman from the futuristic nightmare scene where Batman is fighting a whole bunch of armed goons wearing the Superman logo.  Eventually Superman shows up and you see a swarm of Paradeamons in the background.  

I had some difficulties painting this model.  I was trying out some more of the techniques that I learned at my painting class a few weeks ago.  I was not happy with some of the glazing that I did.  Most parts of this model ended up being repainted 2 or 3 times.  In the end I decided to try and blend my old style of painting with a little bit of the glazing to tie the highlights together.

I also decided to try and focus more on the lighting source for this model.  I still over highlighted in parts, but it is much more toned down then usual.  I was happy with the results and will just have to practice some more.

I am really looking forward to using this model in BMG.  He has the same stat-line as Bat-fleck but looses "Batcape" (Don't take fall damage and can drop down etc) and "Sustained Defense" (for every 2 defense dice spent to block an attack you roll 3 dice).  Nightmare Batman does gain "Mixed Combat Style" (Can shoot and punch in the same activation).  He also trades his Batlings for an Automatic Gun and a Custom MG.  The original Bat-fleck is more defensive and the Nightmare Bat-fleck is all offensive!  

If Nightmare Bat-fleck is already in combat, he can drop 5 of his 8 action counters in attack, and then put 2 into special.  He can then activate "Mixed Combat Style" and use his Automatic Gun to shoot (since it has "light") for 3 shots, then follow it up with 5 punching attacks.  His punching attacks also get to be rerolled if missed (due to Close Combat Master).  He can put a total of 13 Stun Damage and 3 Blood Damage on some unlucky thugs.

If he is not in combat yet, you can put one counter into movement, 4 into attack and 3 into special.  You could then shoot with his Custom MG, Batclaw and move 12 inches into contact with the same (or different) target and punch him 4 times.  Max damage total: 6 Blood and 8 Stun.

I don't think there will be much finesse with this Batman.  I really want to team him with Rick Flag or new Gordon for the GCPD gun-line!   

I also made a quick BMD/DCU Victory Point counter yesterday.  This was a bit of a rough mock up to see how well it works.  I just made a pie chart in word and resized it to fit on a larger GW round base.  I then wrote 1-24 around the outside of the base.  Since some games can go above 24 VP, I added a second circle of numbers 25-48 on the inside.  I then added a magnet to the bottom of the large base and another one to a medium base.  I found an old Hero Click model (I will eventually repaint it) and glued it and a metal washer to a small base.  Lastly I painted on a yellow indicator to both bases.  Once I score more then 24 VP, I pop off the medium base and go around again.  

I got a few models to build over the next few days before I get back to painting, Red Hood, SWAT conversion and King Shark I am looking at you.
