Monday, 23 February 2015

Malifaux!...Also I Am Back!

It's been a while since I've written a post.  It has also been a while since I've done any regular gaming (not to mention painting).  I did start to play Star Trek Attack Wing with my brother recently, which has been a lot of fun (battle report to come?). Other than that I have been absent from my hobby.

So a few weeks ago I dropped by my friend Jordan's Games Workshop store to meet up with another old friend, Josh.  To my surprise (and enjoyment) two more of my old gaming buddies whom I hadn't seen in years were also there (Ian and Curran).  I suddenly found myself feeling very nostalgic.  Good friends, playing a fun a GW store.  I got the warhammer itch...a few days later my Blood Angel Second Company saw its first rays of light in many years.

Later that night we all went over to check out a new hobby store "Lords of War Games and Hobbies" in Oakville.  A great looking store with some very nice tables to play, and even more GW memories.  The store is run by former GW alumni Jason and Chris.  Through some sly (pun?) talk from the both of them, I left with the rule book and starter gang for a new game (for me that is).  Malifaux.

I picked up the Ten Thunders box with Misaki.  Some very incredible designed models.  My only issue was the lack of instructions (both in the box and online).  However after some research I found that the individual pieces are numbered on the sprue (A1, A2, E1, E3 etc).  At that point they went together smoothly.

I wanted to try a new colour scheme for Misaki's crew.  I am trying to expand my style and colour choices.  I decided to go with a baby blue for the main colour and beige for the secondary.  I also wanted to put a hit of pink into it.  The colour selection was inspired from The Legend of the Five Rings - The Crane Clan (even though the models look more like Clan Scorpions - I refuse to paint another red army after the aforementioned Blood Angels).

Here is the test model.  I tried to go for a pink lotus flower on the mask above the eye and another on the cloth.  I like the colour but I am not happy about the design.  I think I might try a top view
flower next time.  Any suggestions?

(I am also trying to decide which backdrop works better for taking pictures.  White or blue?)
