I am looking to start a small Tank Aces campaign sometime this week. I have a few people new to table top games in my group and I figured this would be a good introduction without overwhelming them.
I have several small Tank forces at my disposal including: Germans (StuG and Panzers), British Sherman, and I will be using my Canadian armored company (Market Garden list). There will also be a force of Soviet T-34s. Pics to come.
In Tank Aces campaigns there are special in game objectives called "Tactical Edges". There are six per game that a placed through out the battle field. They can be captured like all other objectives in FoW. Tactical Edges allow the holder to use a re-roll. This re-roll can be used on a die roll the player failed, or used to force their opponent to re-roll a successful role. Each Tactical Edge can be used for a specific type of role; one can be used on firepower tests, another on skill test etc. Click here for a full list. The other interesting part to Tactical Edges is that no one knows which is which on the table top until they capture it.
Instead of just putting pieces of paper down, I decided to design my own tokens. I had some cargo from Forgeworld Warmaster series collecting dust. I tried to keep them all identical as I could to keep the mystery of their contents in game.